Disco Dez Scooters Workshop
For all your classic scooter repairs!
Our workshop has always been a hive of activity and we like nothing more than having a constant stream of varied and interesting projects and problems to solve from backfiring LD's to GS Vespas that refuse to rev out correctly!!
Needless to say we got to the bottom of it all!!
All customers and their scooters are treated with respect and all machines are thoroughly inspected on any visit to the workshop and are checked for "M.O.T" standard upon leaving (and I always clean the workshop residues off myself!)
All owners are offered a free safety inspection as our main concern above all others is to make sure the scooters leaving our workshops are in safe and roadworthy condition and any aspects that may cause a problem are made aware to the owner.
We look forward to you booking in your machine. Just send an email and look forward to warm welcome.
DD 2016