About Disco Dez Scooters


Like so many of you good scooter people my early experiences of discovering Italian motor scooters made by Innocenti and Piaggio has shaped my social, domestic and work life since the moment at the age of thirteen I was introduced to these strange (old) paint and chrome covered smokey, oily, (often rusty) machines.

I was instantly smitten by the sight of "Jimmy's" Lambretta and the jutting out mudguard that made no contact what so ever with it's wheel below just enthralled me!

Needless to say that chrome and paint stallion was indeed a celluloid dream and my reality came in the shape of a twenty year old brush painted LD MK4 (French built and imported by concessionaires when Li production could not keep pace with demand).

No less of a romance was had with that whirring shaft drive smokey old beast (the size of a house to a fourteen year old strip of wind).

Well, my dreams never ever went away and I have had a fantastic life time career (thirty years or so) creating what I hope have been some stylish, functional (sometimes ground breaking) restored and "retrocustom" scooters for customers literally from around the globe.

I hope you enjoy navigating this "discodezscooters" website and please join us on Facebook to share the knowledge and information gathered for all to enjoy.

DD 2016